1. Create an Ouch Pouch. Unless it's a gusher, kids realize they really DON'T want to write about their ouch before receiving a band-aid. FYI, They don't have to ask, they just write and receive!
2. Tell kids what you think you might forget. They WILL remind you at least 100 times before the end of the day!
3. On the flip side, DON'T inform the kiddos about the things you CAN'T follow through with. They WILL remind you at least 100 times each day of the week until the end of the school year!
4. Rubrics Change Everything! Embrace, Create, and Teach THEM. Results will follow!!!
5. Learn the Flamingo when wearing open toed shoes. It will save you from having your metatarsals from being smashed! Bless our kidlets little loving hearts!
6. Students will cut, poke, tear, or misplace their eraser. I now cut the pink erasers in half at the start of the school year.
7. Allow students to take ownership of their learning and make decisions on what or how they learn. The rewards will exceed your expectations.
8. Hand a student a camera or video recorder and allow your students to capture their classroom from their perspective. It will teach you a thing or two and GUARANTEE a GIGGLE.
9. Art is soothing to ALL. Add more projects to your curriculum.
10. Anticipate 20 minutes but Plan for 30!! Murphy's Law...
Experience is not what happens to a man, it is what a man does with what happens to him. ~Aldous Leonar