Day two of Counting Our Blessings and Looking Ahead Professional Resolutions Week! Today Hope King at Second Grade Shenanigans is hosting and she is Oh.So.Cute!
I've been inspired by pinterest and eager to get working on these ideas during our upcoming teacher planning day in January!
This school year I began organizing my charts on hangers. Each year I change in hopes to having a better system. I like the arrangement but spend too much time still hunting for what I need to use. THEN I stumbled upon this pin...
Source: Mrs. Terhunes's First Grade
With binding rings, labels, and a set of shirt hangers the job will be complete. You should really take a minute, click the picture, and link to her post. She has an additional post of all the different pinterest inspired charts that look real cute.
Do you ever have a moment when you want to slap your head and ask why didn't I know about this?!? A pin that had me doing just that was....
Source: Runde's Room
Notice the back side of the numbers. Um, Magnetic Paper. Yes, Please!!!! I spend a ridiculous amount of time gluing, taping, and tacking velcro on everything. Click the image and link to Runde's post. She has the numbers as a freebie download.
I'm adding one last inspired idea. I hate cords around desk. Drives.ME.Nuts! This picture was featured by Kevin Sharkey of Martha Stewart's Website. I added tablecloths under my technology work station but I kick the cords when I sit at the hub. My fingers and toes are crossed that this will be the solution I need!
Source: Martha Stewart