Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Word Walls and Guest Columnist

As you are aware, I'm a monthly guest columnist for Really Good Stuff?  I just received word that my article on interactive math word walls was published.  A sweet follower asked that I follow up with pictures of my wall and file folders.  

First, click here to read the article!

For many of our math words, I have the kids assist in developing the cards that are placed on our interactive word wall.  This allows for more engagement during the mini lesson.  Here are a few images of this process in action...

Students help represent words on the visual projector.

My students take ownership of the words!

Pictured above are a few of our current words.

After the words are created, they are glued to the file folders and hung by clips on the wall.  When introducing the essential question, I have a volunteer pull down our current words to bring in our meeting area.  This allows for the words to be displayed at their eye level.  This also helps the kids understand where to find the words in the classroom.  Older words are moved to heights that big kids like me can hardly reach!  =)  Once the unit is complete, the words are moved to a filing bin for kids to reference throughout the year but may not be in current play!

For more complex representations, I use curriculum resources.

A few of the words in the two above pictures are featured in a previous post.  Here is a link to this post with words made available by SW Georgia Schools! 

The article features a game called What's My Name?  This interactive approach can be used with a fun piece of technology.  I found this personal marquee online...

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