I just completed the next tub in the series: There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Bell! This 58 page file is packed with common core lessons and activities that continue to progress as the year moves on!
Click to Purchase
Predictable Text
Vocabulary Cards
Sequencing Center
Fact/Opinion Lesson
Response to Literature
Sight Word Lesson and Reader
Dramatic Play: Retelling Props
Persuasive Writing
Persuasive Kindergarten
Persuasive 1st Grade
Skip Counting
Needs and Wants
If you are still looking for last minute Thanksgiving ideas or plan to be out with a sub. I've discounted my Fall Sub Tubs 20% until Wednesday. I also included Croptoberfest (created for my Kinders this year) and Gobble, Gobble Centers (created for my second grade last year)!
If you've already purchased my Fall Sub Tubs, then I have a freebie for you! Click the image to download the file. Did you know you can follow me on Scribd? It's where I host my smaller freebies. Click to follow and get instant updates. I often upload files and don't always post about them. Enjoy!
If you are willing to promote, I have a pin-it button on the bottom corner. Facebook and Twitter love are always appreciated too! I'll be back mid week with Swallowed Some Snow. Happy Teaching!!
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