Taking time off from work can be a HUGE hassle. Preparing lessons are the worst. I battle leaving the curriculum and chancing it be taught incorrectly. I'm such a worry wart and control freak. Leaving tested items and chancing confusion bugs me, as sweet Abby would say, "12 kinds of crazy!" To combat my issues, I decided to create tubs throughout the year to prepare for those unfortunate days.
I'm one of 8 teachers on Kindergarten so these tubs come in GOOD use. I share each and every one. Once the main tub is created, the consumables are the only thing needing to be reprinted for another teacher or the following year.
I purchased colorful book bins. Because I'm a bit OCD, I matched the colors to the theme of the book. Red=Swallowed a Rose, Blue = Swallowed Some Snow, Dark Green = Swallowed a Bell, Orange = Swallowed a Pie, Gold = Swallowed Some Leaves, Purple = Swallowed Some Books.
In addition to tub preparations, I have an emergency backpack hanging at the front door. This includes a class roll, emergency procedures, map of the school, district policy, gloves and band-aids, paper, pencil, an extra class set of lunch tags, a schedule, etc.
So next week I go into surgery and very thankful for having my tubs prepared. I'm using Swallowed Some Books, Swallowed Some Snow, and Swallowed a Rose.
The Friday before a holiday I will use my tubs ONLY if I hadn't had to take off near the holiday featured within the book. I'm grateful I was able to use Swallowed a Pie, Swallowed Some Leaves, and Swallowed a Bell with my class. We had a blast. I cannot express how SAD I will be to give up the other lessons. The kids really enjoy the activities which makes me smile.
How do you prepare for a sub?
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