Senin, 15 Juli 2013

Twelve Days of Christmas in July Sale: Day 10

Oh dear, we are nearing the end of our Twelve Days of Christmas: Daily Deals.  Today I'm featuring more activities for Kindergarten.  Once I painfully (yes, I said it) finished teaching alphabet letters and sounds, I began creating Common Core activities every few weeks.  These activities were used for MTSS (Multi Tiered System of Support) which is a new name for RtI.  Doesn't it make your head spin?!?  

Rather than attaching the files to my store, I'm going to link each to the original blog post.  There are SOOOO many more visuals available.  You can link to my store from the various posts.  If you love and don't need to see more visuals, I have a wonderful widget for TpT on my sidebar.  You are welcome to scoot on over and browse!

Please note: The flash giveaway linked in the old post is closed!

The freebie features are a smaller sample for March Madness and a full unit for Summer!  Again, just link to my post for visuals by clicking the graphics below.  Enjoy!~

The deals are for today only!
If you are interested in more daily deals, link below.

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