Selasa, 15 Juli 2014

Bean Thirteen by Matthew McEllicott

I just had to join Deanna for her Book Talk Tuesday this week.  I found a new book in Vegas at the exhibitor hall and couldn't be more excited about the possibilities of integrating social studies, math, and language.  The book is entitled Bean Thirteen by Matthew McElligott!
Bean Thirteen tackles early childhood math with superstition and humor.  This picture book is full of dialogue between the main characters, Ralph and Flora.  After picking 12 beans, Flora decides to pick a 13th bean.  Ralph is convinced this is unlucky!!! 
In preparation for a fair share, Ralph and Flora separate the beans only to find that 13 won't separate into even piles.
Ralph is adamant he won't eat the 13th bean.  Thinking quick, Flora invites her friend April.  Certainly, a fair share can be made!  But, no success! Flora says, "That is odd".  What a great place to discuss the meaning of odd and even!!!!!
Determined not to give up, Flora and Ralph invite over another friend and make an attempt at a fair share with four piles but...
No matter the groupings, Flora and Ralph continued to be surprised at the challenges to divide the beans into equal groups.  Can you hear the math?!?  Intermediate grades can easily introduce prime numbers, explore number strings, or introduce division!!!

Oh me, oh my!  I'm on the edge of my seat and eager to see how this night is going to end, but I'm leaving the conclusion for a surprise... 
Not only does this book explore math concepts and vocabulary, you can explore diversity with the different bug friends invited to dinner, family style dinning which is rare these days, and how fair doesn't always mean exactly the same which can be a tough concept for our kidlets!
I could have easily picked up this book and felt like I scored, but I needed the storytelling puppets and pieces to help interact with this gem of a story. 

The set includes Flora and Ralph beetle puppets and 13 felt beans.  Read the book with a little animation or have kids reenact the events.  Manipulate beans when introducing the division of beans during the read aloud or have kids manipulate at centers.  No matter which way you interact, I'm certain the storytelling pieces will be a favorite for your darlings.
Another magnificent tool I picked up at this booth was the storage pouch.  I can place the book and felt pieces inside the plastic zippered storage pouch and keep safe inside a binder.  Cool, right?
Are you sold?  If  you are like me and the resources are a must have, I'm linking the catalog cover with company name and important contact information!!!


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