Senin, 11 Juni 2012


I just uploaded an adorable unit called Alphabetizer.  The 235 page file is differentiated to support all young learners beginning to write their alphabet.  

Included: Cover, Title, and 9 Preview Pages Throughout to transition to new files...

Alpha Writing Pages (blank) 3-29
Learning Letters w/ Paths of Motions Font 30-56
Practice Letters w/ Kids Font 57-83
Learning Words w/ Paths of Motions Font 84-110
*The words included math the alpha graphics!
Practice Words w/ Kids Font 111-137
Alpha Coloring Pages 138-164
Alphabet Matching Center 165-179
*Recording page included
Alphabet Word Wall (2 different copies)180-206
*Zaner Bloser Alpha Letters and Words
Alpha Graphic Word Wall Cards 206-233

Finally, Acknowledgements and Thank You pages!! 

Here are a few pictures of what to expect...



I'll be back with several follow up units SOON!

If you are interested, you can pick up this packet for $6
Click on the first graphic!

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