Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

Kindergarten Bound

I'm so excited to be heading to Kindergarten for the 2012-2013 school year.  Our school theme will be superheroes, so I've been working on new classroom decor and common core standards.

Reading Superman and Math Batman

Available Soon

I purchased beautiful card stock from Target.  The red and blue are vibrant and just right for my Superhero Standards.  Here is what they look like laminated and read to go on my new classroom walls!!!

My summer plans are growing by the minute.  I'm meeting my sweet friends in Vegas for the I Teach K conference.  My husband and I will be arriving in Sin City the weekend before the conference to attend UFC expo and fights.  My sweet friends and I are meeting on Sunday and will be hanging out until Thursday.  EEK!! 

Here is my schedule for the conference...

KA01-Transition Songs - All Day Long (Jack Hartmann)
KA17-Literacy a' la Carte (Kim Adsit)
KB07-Ready, Set, Interact! Developing Writing the Interactive Way (Kim Adsit)
KB18-From Signs to Cereal Boxes: Creating a Print-Rich Classroom (Rick DuVall)
KE05-If They Write It, They Will Read It! (Shari Sloane)
KE18-Using Guided Drawing to Motivate Young Readers & Writers (Heidi Butkus)
KF11-Alphapalooza! (Deanna Jump)
KF23-Reading & Math & Science, Oh My! (Deanna Jump)
Keep up to date with Rachelle at What a Teacher Wants for more details!!

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